Epoxy Flooring is one of the popular flooring solutions in many countries around the world today. However, there are certain factors that you should consider before deciding upon the best solution for your flooring needs. Epoxy is the most common compound used in this flooring solution. The name Epoxy means epoxy resin and comes from the Greek word epokhion, meaning epoxy resin. The term Epoxy is also applied to various other epoxy materials such as Polyurethane, Epoxies, Epoxy Resins and Polyols.
Epoxy is also a generic term for any of the various synthetic resins or the basic ingredients of the epoxy resins. Epoxy Resins, also called polyepoxies, is a class of highly reactive chemical-like substances and polymer mixtures that contain epoxy groups. The main component in Epoxy Resins is the polymer isocyanate. The process by which these compounds form in the presence of water or moisture is called thermo-plastic reaction. The thermo-plastic reaction occurs when the molecules of the polymer isocyanate and water come into contact with each other. They interact in such a way that the isocyanate releases its colorless color and it forms a bond with the water molecule, which then binds itself with the isocyanate.
Epoxy has various types of resins available. These include Low Density Liquid (LDL) Epoxies, High Density Liquid (HDL) Epoxies, Thermoset Polymers, High Density Polymers (HDPs) and High Density Polymer (HDPPs). All of these can be mixed together to form a composite that can resist extreme temperatures. When combined with other materials, Epoxies can form solid products that can withstand pressures, temperature fluctuations, high temperature and high humidity.
Epoxy flooring can be easily installed by professionals with the use of special tools. The most commonly used tools are T-brushes, rollers, knives, sponges, Sanders and blades. These tools are mostly made of steel, but some of them have special tooling made of steel.
Epoxy flooring can be applied to concrete floors as well. This is often the first choice for many building projects. It is a durable, hard wearing and long lasting type of flooring solution. If you have a simple concrete floor that requires little maintenance or you are looking for a cheaper alternative to the more expensive granite or ceramic flooring, then epoxy flooring may be a good choice for you. Epoxy flooring can be easily installed using special tools. These tools are also used to remove the old paint or stain from the surface.
To ensure the durability of Epoxy flooring, regular cleaning should be done with the use of a scrub brush to remove all dirt and stains. The epoxy coating will need to be sanded regularly to reduce scratches and make it look as good as new. You can also use mild dish detergent to remove the stain if this occurs. It is important to keep the floors dry during this process.